Saturday, April 20, 2013

Argumentative Essay - Blended Learning


Blended Learning is more effective than Traditional Learning

          The world is becoming increasingly dependent on computers and technology. In addition to that, lack of time plays a crucial role in the future of education, and students are resorting to other ways of learning. One of the ways to overcome the problem of not being able to study regularly is a blended course, because those who are not able to watch all the F2F classes can cover the material online. Since there are still students who prefer traditional classes, the academic world has recently been asking a very interesting question. Is blended learning more effective than traditional learning? Is that what the future holds in store for us? Well, in my opinion, blended learning is in fact more effective than traditional learning, and it should be the only way to go.
            For one thing, students in a blended course are much more autonomous than those in a traditional course. They will manage their time in a way that all the tasks are done comfortably. Besides learning at their own pace, they have the flexibility to choose whether they will work at night or in the morning. In other words, they will be in charge of their own learning. This paves the way for meaningful learning because the students will feel responsible for their own learning.
            Another reason why blended learning is more effective than traditional learning is that students can check their progress more easily and safely. E-portfolios are infinitely more organized than paper portfolios. The student can save his or her writings and back them up on another device. This way, he or she will have two copies of the essays, for example. Hence, there is no risk of losing a sheet of paper or the feedback given by the teacher. Also, since it is easier to keep the writings and to check progress, students are usually more motivated. This happens because, at the speed of a click, they can check what they have already achieved up to that point.
            Of course, those who are inhibited by computers or do not like change will try to find problems with blended courses. They might say that studying online depends on Internet connection, and that they are not able to do the activities if there is no signal. They might even say that there are countless distractions on the Internet, making it too difficult for students to concentrate. The truth of the matter is that they are only finding excuses. Problems exist in blended courses just like they do in traditional classes. Students in traditional classes will not be able to have class if there is a blackout, for example. Besides that, there are numerous distractions that may hinder learning in a traditional classroom as well, some of which are cellphones, peer chatting, or noise from outside. At the end of the day, there are no excuses. Students have the obligation to develop their own strategies to jump over possible hurdles.
            To make a long story short, there are those who will never give in to change, and will always prefer traditional learning. Nevertheless, global tendency is moving towards blended courses. People’s lives are increasingly busy and they must find ways to deal with their lack of time. In a world where investing in your own development is essential if you want to succeed, and finding time to study regularly is like finding a needle in a haystack, blended learning seems like the only oasis in an endless desert. Ultimately, whether people like it or not, blended learning is here to stay.

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